Writing On Spec

An award caliber procrastinator discovers a new and dangerous pursuit to keep him from actually writing another script. Why another Blog? I love to talk screenwriting. I love to talk story. I live in Richmond, VA. It's almost easier to get produced than find another screenwriter here. We are the anti-LA.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How can WB be the only one that sees this?

If you ever watched Charmed, or have tuned into Smallville, you know that both of these shows just have to be sponsored in part by WB's music arm because they both feature the music played on the show prominently after the show. For folks that like the music, it makes it so simple to just go down to the local music shop (or even one click to Amazon) and pick up their new favorite music.

However, nobody else seems to get this. Forums all over the internet are just chock full of posts asking who performs X song on Y show during Z episode or who does the theme song to Q show. It's not rocket science. Obviously, somebody thought this song was good enough or appropriate to include in the show, but after that, it's mums the word.

The RIAA is all over fining teens for downloading music, why can't they just work with the TV folks and put out some PR on these songs? It's truly frustrating. Depending on the internet for information is a lot like shoving a message into a bottle and throwing it in the ocean.

Anybody out there with contacts on the show Burn Notice? I need some artist names and song titles :)



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